Terms & Conditions

This terms & conditions adapted by NaN Host must be followed by Nan Host as well as its customers...

Nan Host Responsibilities:

Nan Host will be responsible to give the customer, cPanel, Bandwidth, Database, Site Builder, Free SEO Tool, Free Setup, Softaculous Auto Installer, Advanced Security Features, Free SSL, Free Migration, Lite Speed, Cloud flare CDN Feature, Lifetime Support and overall security of customer data according to contact with customer

Customer responsibility:

Customer will be responsible to pay amount against service as a service charge. The amount will defend the company selected charge or bargains with the company. If any information need for security purpose customer will be responsible to give this information. Customer will be also responsible to pay Renew Charge, Service charge(Monthly /Yearly) before the end of the time period. If the customer uses his website with domain hosting any Social and anti-state work customer will be responsible for this work, NanHost will be not responsible for this work.


The charge will be applicable for selected service and listed charge or Contract with NanHost. All transaction will have occurred against NaNhost Bill. The bill will be sent in the mail. All kind of service charge and other charges will be carried by the customer.


If any Customer breaks the rule and regulation of NanHost. NaN Host preserve the right to suspend this account

Charging Methodology and Information:

According to the rule and regulation of NaN Host. NaN Host will inform you (customer) before 10 days of due payment date. Customer will be responsible to pay within time period otherwise the company will charge 10% as a late fee.

Information and Backups

NaN Host will be responsible to provide all kind of information related to customer, domain and hosting with SSL security with backups of customer data

If anything happens outside the decision described above, the NaN Host decision will be considered final.
N:B:-NaN Host preserve the right to change the terms and condition without any notice.